Always remember to "Believe In Yourself!" As part of our Pass-it-On Collection, our purple 'Believe In Yourself' tee with pretty pink and sparkly silver boldly fun lettering, is designed to both empower and spread positivity! Each Pass-it-On tee comes with 3 FREE kindness pins, decorated with the 'Believe In Yourself' message, that are to be shared with someone in need of some encouragement!
1. Find a worthy recipient in need of some happy vibes!
2. Gently clip a kindness pin on them!
3. SMILE…you just make someone's day!
Rock your tee proudly and emit those positive vibes to everyone you come across. Smiles and positivity are contagious, and we want you to help us by joining in on our #PassItOnLMM campaign.
Encourage your recipient of the kindness pin to join in on our Kindness Campaign once their day has turned right side up. Ask them to pass the kindness pin on to the next family member, friend or kind stranger in need of some positivity! Email & share your kindness photos and inspiring stories with us at: CS@LMMYouBeYou.com or join our PassItOnLMM Facebook Group!
Collect all 4 tees & kindness pins! Garment Dyed 100% Soft Washed Cotton Single Jersey. Imported.